Image 1-28-24 at 8.11 PM

DAY 27 –


Everyone loves something! We can’t help ourselves. That’s how we’re wired. Hermits love solitude. Misers love money. Addicts love their addictions. Pundits love opinions. We can see that what we love speaks directly to who we are. Because “God is love” what we love also determines whether or not we love God. Do we love what God loves: people? Do we love how God loves: unconditionally? Why does God emphasize love? Because “three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” Love is the greatest because it shows us who God is, not what He does, or how He does it. When we begin to grasp this amazing reality, and bask in the love of our Creator, we’ll begin to live for the very reason He created us.