Image 1-28-24 at 8.12 PM

DAY 28 –


What Americans think about God is revealing. A survey determined that 28% believe in an “Authoritarian God” who’s angry at humanity’s sins. 24% believe God’s “Distant” and is more of a cosmic force that launched the world and left it spinning on its own. 21% say He’s “Critical,” having a judgmental eye on the world, but is unwilling to intervene, either to punish or comfort. Surprisingly and sadly, only 22% believe in a “Benevolent God” who is forgiving and accepting of anyone who repents. So, the challenge for all of us who have a relationship with the “Benevolent God,” whose name is Jesus, is to represent Him in an authentic and genuine way. Because the only way someone can see the Person of God…is in His people.