Image 1-28-24 at 8.09 PM

DAY 25 –


Nothing humbles us like seeing raw courage. A commercial plane crashed and burned up on a runway in Philadelphia. A flight attendant stood at the door assisting passengers to safety. When she thought all were safe, she heard a woman screaming, “My baby, my baby!” The flight attendant returned to the flaming plane, never to be seen again. When the burned wreckage was examined, they found the body of the flight attendant draped over the child she had tried to save. That’s courage! I may not complete every mission or God-given assignment, but I want to be found faithful to, if need be die trying. Courage is doing what’s right even if you fail. The Bible says it like this, “…be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” Courage! It’s what we all need most.