Feeling What God Feels
True love will always require emotion! But what is appropriate emotion in an age of over-stimulation and under-application. Where you can watch an incredibly a “tear-jerking” movie and then a “side-splitting” comedy all in the same night. How can you “feel” after your…
WATCH VIDEORaising Your Faith From the Dead
The Bible says, “Let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect, complete and lack nothing.” Many of us would like to lack nothing in the external world. That’s okay,…
WATCH VIDEOGod & Science – What Albert Einstein Wished He Knew
Albert Einstein wrote, “Our situation on this Earth seems strange. Every one of us appears here, involuntarily, and uninvited . . . for a short stay… without knowing why. To me…
Where do these hostile thoughts come from? These painful memories so unresolved? Why do they besiege my soul? How can I find refuge? My mind is battered by conversations that never…
WATCH VIDEOHearing God’s Voice
What keeps us from hearing and obeying God’s voice? How would it change your life if you could hear it? How would it help you in your marriage . .…
WATCH VIDEOUnshakable – God Likes You
We don’t need a new life, we just need a new perspective about our lives. If God can change our perspective of our circumstance, He can change our experience of…
WATCH VIDEOAwakened 4 – Gift of Repentance
When it comes to sin, we can wait to get caught, or we can turn ourselves in. The former resists connection to God. The latter opens up an intimate relationship with our Creator that unlocks the essence of our existence. If, as the Bible states, “God opposes the proud, but…
Awakened 5 – Healing Breaches
Loving relationships unveil the fabric of Heaven. Relational breaches break the heart of God. The root of these relational breakdowns is spiritual warfare. Their faces are human. Their roots are supernatural. Why are relationships so important? Because if only one characteristic of God permeated all that He says and does,…
Awakened 6 – Esteeming Others First
One of Jesus’ final requests to His Father was not merely that His followers would be one with Him, but that they would be one with each other. He even went so far as to declare that the unified Body of Christ on Earth would compel others to believe in…
Awakened 7 – Representing Jesus Well
Every genuine follower of Jesus Christ must come to the point where he or she is either “all in,” or at least admits, “Unless I yield to God’s Spirit, I will not become all God intended me to be.” We must stop nibbling around the edges. We must stop enabling…
Be The Church – Become
There’s a vast difference between being a son or a servant in the Kingdom of God. It’s the difference between renting and buying. Ownership can alter our attitude and motive. When the wolf comes – the hireling flees. Sons and daughters stay and fight. Sons and daughters know, if the family goes down, they…
Be The Church – Belong
In World War II, German soldiers were loading Jews destined to die in concentration camps into rail cars. A woman saw a soldier shoving a Jewish mother and her little girl toward the station. The soldier stopped the mother and demanded, “Is she your daughter?” The terrified mother looked straight into the eyes of the woman standing…
Believing for the Impossible
Learning to trust God accesses the peace of mind that seems impossible to attain. Yet, it’s always within reach—with arms of faith. Believe God for the impossible. Not with presumption, based on the desires of your own heart, but with real faith. Faith that’s grounded upon the sublime plan of the…
Beyond the Walls – Living Grateful
Compared to people around the world most Americans are rich. Tell someone from Cuba or Haiti you’re not rich. They don’t risk their lives to get here on rickety boats, across a treacherous ocean, because they’re into yachting! Do we know what we have? Do we appreciate what we have?…
Beyond the Walls – Losing Your Faith
What could be so sad and dangerous to push someone into losing their faith? There is one truly deadly sin that is perhaps responsible. When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, in what we call “the Lords Prayer” the only word that appears twice is the word: “forgive.” The sin of unforgiveness is the most common wrong in the world. It is the root cause of every fracture of our relationship with others.
Beyond the Walls – The Shame-Free Life
Shame says, “You’re feeling bad, because you’re inherently bad.” Guilt says, “You’ve done something wrong but if you respond well it will lead to freedom and victory.” Shame leads to bondage and death. Responding properly to Guilt leads to deliverance and life. Guilt can last a moment if we repent of our sin. Shame can last a lifetime if we choose to believe…
Christians Behaving Boldly – Marketplace
the character of Jesus Christ into the workplace. And, uh, you know, St. Francis of Assisi said. “Preached the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” This is a perfect encouragement for believers to model the life and character of Jesus, while working in the marketplace. Our lives are letters…
Church Wounds – Expectations & Offense
Jesus warned against intentionally stumbling others when He cautioned, “Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” (Matt 18:7) The word “offense” in the Greek is skandalon from which is derived the word “scandal,” which speaks of…

Hi, it’s Francis, so glad you stopped by to see and hear something that might very well change your life. May you be truly blessed!