Are you facing some big decisions. Don’t be afraid! God will help you! During my 18 years of globetrotting around the world, I flew in many small private planes, and was able to talk with the pilots about their training. One of the first things pilots are taught is to read their gauges and trust their instruments, more than their feelings or senses. I’ve been flying in thick clouds and dense fog…where we couldn’t see a thing. At those moments of flying blind, I’m glad the pilots trusted their instruments. Unless you and I trust the flawless instrument of God’s Word, we’ll make decisions based on our senses. Don’t come to eternal conclusions based on what you can see… trust what God sees. Don’t fear what you don’t know. Put your faith in the God who knows all things. It’s the only way you will ever be completely safe. Jesus said, “I am with you always.” Every day, in every way, God’s with us. I wake up believing it, and go to bed believing it. It’s a great way to live.