None of us like being judged, but whether we like it or not, it’s going to happen. Perhaps you’re thinking, “If I confess my sins to Jesus, He’s going to punish me.” If you believe this, you’re going to be disappointed. When the woman was caught in adultery, what was the punishment Jesus gave her? He said, “Go and sin no more.” If that’s punishment, I’d be happy if Jesus punished me like that anytime? So, if you’ve got a sin issue? Turn yourself in, and let Jesus be your Judge. He’s the only Person in the Universe Who’s more committed to being merciful than judging you. The Bible promises each of us that if you are willing to confess your sins, mercy will always triumph over judgment. (James 2:13)

Do you think God’s upset with you? You might be surprised that He’s not. In the Bible, the people Jesus was most upset with, were the ones most upset with Him. Who were they? The worst sinners? Thieving tax collectors? No, it was the religious leaders who hated Him most. They were the ones, enamored by their own thoughts and pride, comfortable believing they were their own gods. It was the humility of Jesus and the purity of His heart and motive that irritated these leaders the most. Jesus summed it up when He addressed these hypocritical leaders, “If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty, but you remain guilty because you claim you can see.” (John 9:41) There’s no One who wants to forgive and release you more than Jesus.

Jesus never prayed we wouldn’t have challenges or that we wouldn’t have to lay down our lives for Him. He instead prayed to His Father that He would keep us from the evil one. (John 17:15) At times, our struggles on Earth are connected to the deception of believing lies. Yet, most of the time, they are merely the tribulations of Earth Jesus promised would come. So, don’t pray that Jesus would stop the difficulties in your life. It’s a waste of your time. Pray that God would give you the fortitude to stand strong in adversity. To be courageous during hardship and persevere when you feel like giving up. If you do, in the end it will be more than worth it. Be of good cheer. Because Jesus overcame, so can you.

When they came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and He admitted He was the One they were looking for, all of the soldiers and officials fell backward to the ground. (John 18:6) They then got up, dusted themselves off, and continued to arrest Him as if nothing had happened. When we read this startling account of complete deception and denial, we can say, “What’s wrong with those people? Why were they so blind?” But we should also ask ourselves this question. When Jesus identifies Himself in our lives, do we submit to His Lordship? Do we admit what we are doing is wrong if it is? I don’t want to be like those who arrested Jesus, and go on my merry way, with my own agenda, as if nothing had happened.

Each of us are hard-wired to desperately need God. It is the greatest longing in the deepest part of our being. Each Christian knows that only a relationship with Jesus will satisfy our desire to be cherished and loved. This awareness alone can allow us to become (and this is not an overstatement) the most grateful people who ever lived. Only when we see what Jesus did when He died in our place, can we live the grateful lives He intended for us. Denial can’t suppress this, and deception must eventually bow before the Truth that can set us free. When we allow Jesus to fully rescue us, we begin to live truly grateful lives, fully embracing the price He paid by dying in our place. Bask, every day, throughout your day, in the warm, comforting waters of gratitude.

At times, when I’m defending myself, I realize my words aren’t making me feel better. Perhaps it’s because I should be silent. When facing exceptional challenges, deep down, we know it’s the will of God, and therefore should realize no words are necessary. God knowing is enough! We see this in Mark 15, when Jesus was on trial before the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. When accusations were being hurled at Him, there was no need to address the indictments. He stood there. Silent! Resolute! Confident that God knew His innocence. That, after His trials were over, He would shine like gold. (Job 23:10) When hurtful words are assaulting you, realize silence may bring you the most peace. “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.” (Proverbs 26:4)