We all love to laugh. There’s actually something therapeutic and healing about it. As the Bible says, “A cheerful disposition is good for your health.” (Proverbs 17:22) Therefore, whoever laughs last, has to be having the most fun. We see this in Mark 5, when a crowd laughed at Jesus because He said that a dead girl, whom He was about to raise from the dead, was only sleeping. Yet, miraculously, after the ridicule died down, and He had raised the little girl from the dead, the loudest Person laughing, had to be Jesus. Proving, once again, that in eternity, when God, as the last Person standing, will also have the last laugh. Perhaps it will be a group laugh with millions of redeemed souls affirming that everything the Devil intended for evil, God ultimately used for good.  


Is there any way to please God outside of faith? In Hebrews 11:1, the Bible says emphatically, “No!” Therefore, if the only time we believe God is when we can actually see what we are believing for, we’ll spend our lives not knowing Him. Trusting God and learning to walk by faith, is not one of many good options; it is the only way we can have a personal relationship with our Creator. It’s also one of the greatest experiences in life. It’s worth every painful uncertainty about the future, all the lonely nights waiting for God to move, and dashed disappointments we thought were our destiny. In the end, if we hold fast and believe the promises of God it will all be more than worth it. Seeing is not believing. Actually, believing to see . . . is.


Wouldn’t you like to become what the Bible says is not only possible, but actually God’s will: someone who “…shines as the stars forever and ever”? (Daniel 12:3) Sounds like a bright future, doesn’t it? But, since we have no light of our own within us, it will require reflecting Someone who does. Like moons that live in darkness incapable of producing a glimmer of light, our only hope to become living lights in this dark world (Matthew 5:14) is to allow our light-less lives to mirror His limitless reflection. This will require a whole-hearted surrender, and fully facing the One True “…light of the world.” (John 8:12) Mold grows in the dark, while flowers lean into the sunshine. Men love darkness, but God loves men. Lean into the light, and your life will always shine.  


One of the greatest misconceptions people have about following Jesus is thinking that by doing so their lives will become limited and predictable, even boring. The truth is, God’s never done anything boring, and the only way to get free from a dull life and the prison of disobedience is to accept His will and His will alone. Obediently following God will always lead to the liberation we all long for. Jesus alone can provide this, because only He gave His life taking the punishment we deserved when He died on a Cross in our place. His selfless obedience led to our supernatural liberation, and a never-to-be-regretted surrender to the will of God for our lives. Obedience is a blessing, not a burden! 


Nostalgic memories are great! But believing for future miracles is infinitely better. Being fixated on remembering the “good old days” sometimes means we have a bad memory. Just look at some of your old pictures or videos, and you’ll likely be less than impressed. I often am, whenever I do. “Fresh” and “Old” just don’t flow together. “Tired and Old” are actually a more familiar combination. But, if you really want to wake up and smell eternal flowers, “New and Original” is your only good option. Stop dreaming of the “way it was,” trapped in a sentimental time-warp. It always dead ends in unfulfillment. Begin to actually believe there is a God Who not only promises to do all things, but actually delivers, exceedingly above and beyond all we could ask or think.   


Most people, when asked if they tend to be idol worshippers, would say, “Absolutely Not!” Yet, upon closer examination, each of us at times are enamored by celebrities and megastars. We see this in Mark nine, when Moses and Elijah miraculously appeared to Peter, James, and John. They were so star-struck, each naively suggested that Jesus let them build three memorials: one for Jesus, and one each for Moses and Elijah. God the Father was so excited about their recommendation that He spoke from Heaven, “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to Him.” So much for what God thinks about us having idols! The next time you find yourself being overly infatuated with a flawed, imperfect human being, remember Your Creator, and let your adoration be for Him alone.