Will I See You in Heaven? Eternity & Our Aborted Children

Is it wishful thinking, or an important consideration we should prepare for? Will we see out loved ones again? Children of miscarriage or abortion? Will we have any relationship with…


Confessions of an Abortion Doctor

He even aborted two of his own children, as Francis did. It takes great courage to admit when you’ve been horribly wrong. Dr. Van Wong humbly and vulnerably shares his…


Two Fathers of Aborted Children Received Healing

Francis Anfuso and Dr. Van Wong, a doctor who also performed abortions for many years, share about their journey of forgiveness and healing.


Surviving Suicide

How do you survive suicide? One of the keys to loving your life is being able to face the most difficult things in life and not give up. Francis was…


Recognizing Breakthrough Moments

The challenge of the breakthrough moment is that it’s often hidden. You think, “This is the wrong moment! This is the worst moment! Catastrophe’s before us!” But, it’s at that…


God Likes You

For the first 30 years of Francis’ Christian life he didn’t think God liked him. Now, if God was an imperfect human, that would make sense. But He’s not! Each…


Facing the Unthinkable

It happens to all of us. It’s called, “When the Unthinkable Happens.” We’re all, at different points, hit by left hooks from Hell or right hooks from Heaven. It doesn’t…


Getting Free From Pornography

It’s the second most difficult thing for Francis to talk about, next to aborting two of his children. How pornography has threatened his life since he as a young man.…


I Was a Leader in a Socialist Community For 9 Years

Francis shares about being a key leader in a Christian, socialist community for nine years, from 1972 to 1981. This podcast is incredibly relevant for today as many wonder if…


Father Wounds

Francis and Ricky share about their journeys with Father Wounds and how rampant they are in our society. They offer helpful insights on how to get healed from the wounds…



A collection of KLOVE Radio Spots by Francis Anfuso reflecting on the peace that only comes through knowing Jesus.

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The Value of Setbacks

A collection of KLOVE Radio Spots by Francis Anfuso showing the value of the setbacks and struggles we go through.

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When You Think You’ve Heard From God

If we truly love God, we will live to do His will. And so, the possibility of missing God, of believing we have heard from Him, and yet time proves we have not, is a crushing mistake. So potentially devastating, it can cause us to lose confidence to ever believe…

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Learning to Love Your Life

Do you love your life? Not based upon circumstances, but based on perspective? When Francis meets people he knows, and says, “How are you doing?” And they say, “Great! Oh, I am just doing so good!” He will often say, “We’ll tell me. Are you doing good because of your circumstances, or…

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The Man Who Didn’t Give Up

Can a man who lost his way make it back . . . in one piece? He lost his church, his home, his reputation, but kept his wife and life, because His God kept him. Now, after years of rising out of deep despair, David Loveless and his wife, Caron,…

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Joy is a Decision

What if we determined that happiness was dependent upon what was happening to us, but joy was a decision we could make? What if we were committed to be joyful in everything, no matter what challenges we faced. The Bible says, “Give thanks, for this is the will of God.”…

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Getting Free From Pornography

It’s the second most difficult thing for Francis to talk about, next to aborting two of his children. How pornography has threatened his life since he as a young man. He remembers finding pornographic pictures in dumpsters or along the side of a road. Whenever he had access to it,…

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I Don’t Have Enough

Many of us wake up and go to sleep believing, “I don’t have enough!” It’s a struggle all of us face. And yet, life is not based on having a super abundance. It’s all about a Kingdom Principle called The Seed Principle. The issue is: do you have the right seed that…

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UNPRECEDENTED – Doing What You’ve Never Done

When an opportunity came for Francis to go to the nation of Pakistan, he prayed about it, and God said, “Go!” Pakistan is one of the five most dangerous places for Christians on the planet, next to North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya. Then comes Pakistan. Even Iran and Iraq are safer. He left…

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Trust is Always the Issue

Trust is the main event. When we see God in a new way we’re able to face life’s challenges and live a victorious life; as victors, not victims. I want to be more committed to trusting God than clinging to my little idea of what I think should take place…

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Why Today is the Best Day of Your Life

This is one of those messages that you can hear and dismiss, or you can hear it and say, “Maybe there’s something to this. Perhaps it’s the filter that I’ve been looking for. Maybe it’s the reason why my days turn out the way they do, and my life’s turning…

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The End Is The Process

Have the jolts of disappointment outclassed the successes in your life. At a point of significant failure and setback, Francis had a revelation from God that changed him. It was so contrary to his thinking, that when he first read it, he thought is was a typo. Then, when he…

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