God & Science – What Albert Einstein Wished He Knew
Albert Einstein wrote, “Our situation on this Earth seems strange. Every one of us appears here, involuntarily, and uninvited . . . for a short stay… without knowing why. To me…
WATCH VIDEOUnshakable – God Likes You
We don’t need a new life, we just need a new perspective about our lives. If God can change our perspective of our circumstance, He can change our experience of…
WATCH VIDEOFeeling What God Feels
True love will always require emotion! But what is appropriate emotion in an age of over-stimulation and under-application. Where you can watch an incredibly a “tear-jerking” movie and then a “side-splitting” comedy all in the same night. How can you “feel” after your…
WATCH VIDEOHearing God’s Voice
What keeps us from hearing and obeying God’s voice? How would it change your life if you could hear it? How would it help you in your marriage . .…
WATCH VIDEORaising Your Faith From the Dead
The Bible says, “Let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect, complete and lack nothing.” Many of us would like to lack nothing in the external world. That’s okay,…
Where do these hostile thoughts come from? These painful memories so unresolved? Why do they besiege my soul? How can I find refuge? My mind is battered by conversations that never…
WATCH VIDEOProof the Resurrection Happened
Everything Jesus claimed about Himself. That He was God. That He was dying for the sins of the world. That He could give people eternal life. All of it hung on the Resurrection. Those closest to Jesus claimed to have seen Him when He was resurrected. Now, it’s one thing…
Questions Every Child Asks Mom
This Mother’s Day message talks about how to build our lives with love. We see how moms’ are the primary builders of the family. In terms of the typical nurturing dimensions, a Dad goes to work. He provides the finances. But mothers have the nurturing heart. There are three questions…
Raising Your Faith From the Dead
The Bible says, “Let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect, complete and lack nothing.” Many of us would like to lack nothing in the external world. That’s okay, but the external world is temporary . . . here for a few moments. What we truly want in life…
Redefining Faith
Most of us leave home thinking we know where we’re going. Then, when the unexpected intercepts us, we take comfort in thinking we know what’s about to happen. Then the left hooks from Hell or the right hooks from Heaven take place. Unexpected tests are coming for all of us,…
Renovation – Family
Before Jesus launched His ministry, He choose 12 disciples to join His “Family on a Mission.” Each generation has a deposit from God to accomplish His will on Earth. God is asking fathers and mothers to help disciple the next generation of young Christ-followers. Jesus’s ministry has always been multigenerational.
Renovation – Honor, Humility, Serving
There are three dimensions that God models perfectly. God is a God who honors us. We have the honor of being called sons and daughters of the living God. God is humble. He came as a humble servant. Even now, in Heaven, there is a humble Servant sitting on a throne. Not…
Shepherds, Sons and Servants
Do you have a stake as a son or daughter in God’s family? Are you a hireling or do you see yourself as a son or daughter. Are you there from sunup to sundown, or do you just punch in and out. Are you conscious and committed to build God’s…
Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Whenever I’ve had computer problems or phone problems, the first things technicians would say to me is, “Did you reboot?” More often than not, a reboot got my computer or phone back on track. When was the last time you rebooted your perspective? God wants to break up our perceptions…
Supernatural Heart
This is an age where numb is the norm. So, when we want God to move, we must first of all, move with our heart. Open your spirit to God and say, “Lord, here’s my heart. When I lay my heart bare before You, I acknowledge things that are in…
The Gift of Mothers
There are three questions every child asks of his or her mother – but they never ask them out loud, consciously or directly. Grown children are still asking these questions of their aging moms. “Mom, do you see me?” “Mom, do you hear me?” And, “Mom, do you accept me?” Being loved unconditionally is our greatest desire. We all want to know that we will be loved…
The Joy of Endurance
Suffering and patience are Siamese twins. If you want Patience, you’ll have to receive the other sister called Suffering. Though we’d all love to see the word “short” before “suffering” in the Bible, for some reason it’s the word, “long.” Because the very nature of suffering is that appears to go on and on…
The Test of True Love
We are never to love at the expense of righteousness, and are never to be righteous at the expense of love. Real love is the greatest righteousness, and real righteousness is the greatest love. There are three tests to measure the proof of a genuine Christian: TRUTH TEST – If we believe in what the Bible teaches…
Hi, it’s Francis, so glad you stopped by to see and hear something that might very well change your life. May you be truly blessed!