God & Science – What Albert Einstein Wished He Knew
Albert Einstein wrote, “Our situation on this Earth seems strange. Every one of us appears here, involuntarily, and uninvited . . . for a short stay… without knowing why. To me…
WATCH VIDEORaising Your Faith From the Dead
The Bible says, “Let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect, complete and lack nothing.” Many of us would like to lack nothing in the external world. That’s okay,…
WATCH VIDEOHearing God’s Voice
What keeps us from hearing and obeying God’s voice? How would it change your life if you could hear it? How would it help you in your marriage . .…
WATCH VIDEOFeeling What God Feels
True love will always require emotion! But what is appropriate emotion in an age of over-stimulation and under-application. Where you can watch an incredibly a “tear-jerking” movie and then a “side-splitting” comedy all in the same night. How can you “feel” after your…
WATCH VIDEOUnshakable – God Likes You
We don’t need a new life, we just need a new perspective about our lives. If God can change our perspective of our circumstance, He can change our experience of…
Where do these hostile thoughts come from? These painful memories so unresolved? Why do they besiege my soul? How can I find refuge? My mind is battered by conversations that never…
WATCH VIDEOTimeless Virtues
Mark Twain, the great humorist writer said, “Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.” Francis added, “I’m always amazed at how that seems to get more and more true. But it’s not the greatest thing I miss. There’s something I miss more. Something, I don’t…
Training Your Soul
What would you rather do? Volunteer to do something, or do something because you’re told to. We’ve found that, most people would rather volunteer to do something, then do something out of obedience. We’d rather pick and choose. But, if that’s true, though, that volunteering is better, than why does…
Uncomplicated – The Fathers Leadership & Protection
How many people are putting their hope in what will never come to pass? How many are trusting in the guaranteed eternal realities that only come from our Creator. In an age of fake everything, evil has many facades: phony love, false peace, counterfeit compassion, and imitation intimacy. Perhaps the…
Unshakable – God Likes You
We don’t need a new life, we just need a new perspective about our lives. If God can change our perspective of our circumstance, He can change our experience of life. We believe that this is the will of God for each of us. Jesus wants to change how you…
What Is God Trying To Tell Us That We’re Not Hearing?
What Is God Trying To Tell Us That We’re Not Hearing? When religious leaders stoned Stephen, they were acting just like their fore-fathers. They were guilty of what they’d always been guilty of: rejecting God’s messengers. Nearly twenty times in the Old Testament, God calls Israel: “stiff-necked”. Israel prided itself on the sign of circumcision because it separated them from the…
What is God’s Identity For You
Where did you come from? Not just your life here on Earth. Go back further. No, not reincarnation! I’m talking about, to the heart of your Creator . . . God. The One who had the magnificent dream of you. And before you were born saw everything you’d ever do….
What’s My Calling?
We all wonder, am I really that unique? Do I have a specific calling? If so, how does “my calling” connect with my destiny? In our culture, we’ve placed too much value on what we do being the essence of who we are. I’ve found that who I am is…
When Church Changes Culture – 1
Pastor Francis interviews Pastor Tamara Bennett, a great lady in the city of Sacramento, and pastor of a church called, “This Is Pentecost”. She is a fiery woman of God, with no smoke on her life. More healthy than hurt, more passion than pain, with no chip on her shoulder….
When Church Changes Culture – 2
God didn’t spare His heroes in the Bible when He revealed, not just their successes, but their failures as well. You can tell the Bible is real because you would never talk about your heroes the way the Bible talks about its heroes. God didn’t spare them. I believe it…
When Church Changes Culture – 3
Scientists now say the universe is made up of 4% combined matter and energy. While 96% is invisible. It’s an extraordinary scientific conclusion, which the Bible affirmed 2,000 years ago in clearer, more absolute terms. “…for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made…
When God Breaks In 1
Many people believe the Abundant Life Jesus promised was a bit overstated. The truth is, the Abundant Life is actually the Normal Christian Life. It’s a perspective away. It’s not everything coming up roses. It’s seeing your life the way God sees your life, and learning to trust Him. To…
When God Breaks In 2
Every one of us want to be blessed…to receive the blessing of the Lord. And there’s no one who wants to bless us more than God. He’s the Father we’ve always wanted. But He’s not an entitled Father that just dispenses blessing and then spoils His kids. He doesn’t want…
Hi, it’s Francis, so glad you stopped by to see and hear something that might very well change your life. May you be truly blessed!