Are you facing major trials? Feel like giving up? Please don’t! Trials are meant to bring out the best in us, not the worst. They throw the pass beyond our reach, but not beyond God’s intent and grace. It isn’t an accident when we feel completely inadequate to meet our own needs. God’s the only one who can make up the difference in every dimension of our lives. When I’m struggling, which is frankly every day, I continually reach out to Jesus to receive the grace I desperately need. Oswald Chambers writes something, that when I first read it, it startled me a bit. He said, “God does not give us overcoming life . . .” But then he added, “. . . He gives us life as we overcome.” I’ve come to accept that as reality! The discouragements of yesterday don’t disqualify you, the setbacks of today can’t sabotage you, and the failures of tomorrow won’t finish you. You and I were created to be victorious…to be overcomers. That’s our purpose! Let’s do it!