Are your circumstances out of control? Many times, I’ve found my circumstances are. I’m more of an observer than the controller of the challenges that come my way. Even though what happens to us may seem completely out of our control, how we view our lives is always our choice. I can choose to see my life from God’s life-giving point of view, and trust that He knows what He’s doing. Or be limited by the narrowness of fear, unbelief and ignorance, which only leads to anger, panic, and despair. We each have the choice to look up, past the distracting struggles that keep us stuck in the past, bound in the present, and lacking hope for our future. We must be committed to go forward, whatever comes our way, choosing to remain “…steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain in the Lord.” Look up! God sees you! He will help!