Whenever you find yourself wondering why something’s happening, realize it’s never a coincidence. It’s invariably God working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him. Actually, WHY is typically the wrong question; WHAT is the word we should be asking. “God, WHAT are you trying to show me in the middle of my struggle?” The situation we’re in, no matter how bleak or hopeless it may seem, is not an accident; it’s God at work, even using what Satan meant for evil, to eventually work for my good. If we love God and are committed to doing His will, He has a guarantee about our future. God promises us in Romans 8: 28, that all things, all things, no matter how much they hurt, everything that happens to us, will work for our good, either here on Earth or in eternity in Heaven. I’ve found, in my almost half century of following Jesus, it’s a PROMISE God is faithful to keep.