Men love darkness; yet the God who is light, still loves men. Perhaps the greatest miracle that can take place in a person’s heart, is going from loving darkness to loving light. If there’s a greater miracle than that, I’ve never seen it. The Bible says, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” It is the gnawing repetition of darkness that makes us crave the light. I’ve walked in enough darkness for ten lifetimes. Frankly, no one ever ended their life wishing they’d given themselves over to greater darkness. The opposite is true. We regret the darkness we’ve embraced and are saddened about the light we’ve missed. Are you sick of darkness? If so, begin to crave the light! Let Jesus shine His life in and through you today! Remember, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” Time to be that light!