Are you embracing the season you are in? If not, you’re missing God’s best for you. I’ve squandered too many wonderful days, in magnificent places, with fascinating people, because I was unable to get my heart around what was happening, and instead longed for what was not. I’ll never get those days back, but I’m committed to not repeat that mistake. It’s dangerous to have a favorite season. People hate winter when everything they’re attached to seems to be dead or frozen. Yet, horticulturists say that winter is a great time to prune away what is dead, while allowing roots a time to rest. So, winter is an incredibly important and valuable season. Frankly, our best season should be the one we’re presently in. It’s a matter of perspective! Believing yesterday wasn’t a great day, only means I missed what God was trying to do in me. Today, see with God’s eyes! Let today be the best day of your life.