Image 2-15-24 at 4.58 PM

Are you optimistic about your life, or pessimistic? That’s an important question. How you answer it will reveal not just how your day plays out, but how your life plays out. Long ago, I settled in my heart to try and live as an optimist. Why? Because God is the greatest Optimist of all. I want to live life enthusiastically wading through every disappointment. Paul the apostle was also an eternal optimist. He once wrote, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…” There’s no aspect of our lives that’s ever been an oversight to God. The psalmist wrote, “My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret…” God has never made even one mistake concerning our lives. “…I am fearfully and wonderfully made…and that my soul knows very well.” We have each been given an infinite potential by a gracious God. Let’s purpose to optimistically live out our potential!