All of us want our lives to go smoothly, even though Jesus promised they won’t. It’s been said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” (Henry Ford) So too in life. The lift that will take us into supernatural realms of faith and victory only comes with opposition. The Bible encourages, “Do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter 4:12-13, NKJV) Sounds like crazy talk on Earth, but brings smiles and nods in Heaven. The primary reason any of us would be willing to joyfully face exceptional difficulties is because we want to fly.


There is one thing in life that requires us to be broken down before we can be built up. It’s called pressure. In order for any of us to go to the next level, we each need more pressure, not less. There’s a term in weight training called “lifting to failure.” It’s the way to develop strong muscles and works like this: Lift heavy enough weight repetitively that you can barely complete the last repetition. At some point your body will resist, and you cannot do more. That’s called “lifting to failure.” Muscles must be broken down before they can grow; to be torn before they can get stronger. That’s not only the science for growing muscles in life, but the template for breaking cycles of unfruitful behavior as well. Pressure says, “The next time you’re stretched to your limits you’ll be able to handle more.” What a great goal!


In John 11, Martha, was happy that she correctly answered a question Jesus had asked her. She knew that her dead brother Lazarus would rise again. All of us who know Jesus will experience this. God asks something we know the answer to, and we’re elated because we think we’re privy to some special knowledge. The truth is, Jesus asks us questions He knows we know, because He wants to tell us something He knows we don’t. Jesus then says, “I am the resurrection and the life…” (John 11:25) The entire sequence is a great demonstration of “how we mature.” Believe that every encounter with Jesus is designed to take you to a higher place of understanding than you’ve ever experienced before. Ask Jesus to tell you something you don’t know in order to expand your heart and mind. It’s called the Normal Christian Life.


There’s always an arsenal of flimsy excuses people have when it comes to why they don’t believe in God. I had a ton of them during my seven years as an atheist. Yet, God continued to reach for me. As soon as the Woman at the Well knew Jesus was different from other Jews she had met, she brought up a point of contention about where Jews vs. Samaritans worshipped. It was a deflection… her way of affirming a deep-seated cultural prejudice. But Jesus doesn’t let dead end sentences distract him. He came to set us free and knows us better than we know ourselves. Our justifications for resisting Him evaporate when we finally realize we can’t fool God. Though the Devil continues to divide, God’s motive for us is always pure. In the end, love wins! 


Though all of us came from, in essence, nowhere, Jesus will take us somewhere far beyond our dreams. When Philip brought his friend Nathaniel to meet Jesus, Nathaniel let prejudice prejudge Christ’s potential, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Yet, Philip didn’t give up on his friend, and said, “Come and see.” (John 1:46-47) Nathanael then pursued Jesus, and Jesus spoke life to him. When people think less of us, it’s really because they’re so insecure they need to think more of themselves. Seeing others, the way God sees them will take you to another level. I once saw a conference poster with the pictures of Christian leaders I’d each heard something bad about. Immediately, I received a revelation that the enemy always maligns good people. Remember this when you hear something bad about someone without proof.      


John the Baptist was asked by Jewish leaders who he was, and then flattered him with heady options: the Christ, Elijah and the Prophet. Yet John didn’t take the bait, but humbly responded, “I’m (just a) voice crying out in the wilderness.” (John 1:23) Even Jesus refused to succumb to Pilate wanting Him to boast about who He was. Proverbs affirms, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.” (Proverbs 27:2) If anyone could grandstand, it would be God. And yet, He chose to come to Earth as a humble servant, lived completely under the radar, and ended His Earthly script  dying a humiliating, agonizing death. So, when someone offers you the bait of false praise, go low. It you do, you’ll meet Jesus there.