Are you frustrated about something? How you’d you like to get the most out of your frustrations? I’m not joking. Frustrations are actually doorways to our destiny. Until we see our lives from God’s point of view, we’ll never understand the good that’s possible because of these frustrations. If we obsess over the pain and displeasure associated with the struggles of life, we’ll miss their entire point. In 2 Corinthians 12:10, the Bible even tells us to take pleasure in our pain! Each of our lives are intentionally shrouded in secrecy; our true purpose is often disguised in a maze of problems. Complaining about our setbacks only distracts us from receiving the truth behind the mystery. The key to life is to not stop at the surface of a problem, but to dig deep enough to uncover the reason and value behind each trouble. Ask God to reveal to you the purpose for your pain. And remember, frustration doesn’t move mountains, faith does.