How would you like everything in your life to work for your good? It can happen! As a matter of fact, it’s actually God’s will for every one of us! God promises that all things will work together for our good, if two things are taking place: if we love Him more than anyone or anything else—and if we’re committed to do His will and purpose more than our own. When we completely love and submit to Jesus as Lord, we can stand on the promise that there’s no bad news in God. But this can only happen if we have faith beyond our lifetime here on Earth. If eternity is in our hearts, then all of life’s challenges will work for our good. We will be stretched, frankly, at times beyond what we think we can handle, but all that happens to us will be for our benefit. Keep the gospel as good news, not bad news, and your life will turn out as God intended, which is infinitely better than we can possibly imagine.