Image 1-27-24 at 8.21 PM

DAY 4 –


I’m a very flawed person. I don’t want to be, but I am. Perhaps you are, too. So, how should we imperfect ones process life? I’ve found the best thing I can do is remember all of the flawed people in the Bible God used in mighty ways. Adam and Eve fell in Paradise. Jacob tended to manipulate. Rahab needed a different occupation. David had a wandering eye. Solomon was a narcissist. Peter was impulsive. When you think of the weak heroes in the Bible, they weren’t disqualified because of their eccentricities. God used each of them to fulfill His will despite their seeming flaws, and He’s also able to use you and me at our lowest moments. “Jesus, help me not to fixate and obsess on my flaws but to wholeheartedly embrace who You have created me to be!”