Image 1-27-24 at 6.47 PM

DAY 2 –


Those of us who have been rescued from sin and know how real the bullet we dodged was, never cease to be grateful for the mercy of God. But is there a fail-proof environment that would keep us from falling? Well, consider this. Lucifer, now known as Satan or the Devil, was one of the three archangels in Heaven. He fell from grace in the most perfect conditions possible. Completely loved by God, brilliant to a fault, the most gifted worship leader of all time, with unprecedented authority and the brightest future imaginable, he still fell…HARD. So, there is no sure-fire way, no backstage pass to staying eternally safe. Jesus gave us the only way not to fail, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”