Image 1-28-24 at 4.14 PM

DAY 17 –


When my mother was suffering from dementia, my older brother’s wife, Kathy, was her primary caregiver. Kathy has an extraordinary grace in loving with Christ-like patience. After a while, my mother forgot Kathy’s name, even though she was married to her son. But my mother continued to remember and reference one final identifying quality in Kathy, though she no longer knew her by name or relationship. My mother would say to Kathy when she saw her, “Oh, you’re the kind lady!” WOW! Could there be a greater compliment to be paid than that? Would to God we each were known as a “kind” person. Someone who makes everybody feel like a somebody. The Bible says, “As those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”