What if we believed that God’s blessing came not in response to seeing what we want to see or getting what we want to have but in trusting God regardless of the outcome? What if the true blessing lies in our ability to trust Him, irrespective of whether our prayers seem to be answered or not? Abraham was committed to sacrificing his only son, Isaac, regardless of the outcome. He was attached to God, even raising him from the dead if necessary, but he refused to waver in unbelief by being disobedient. Life is far more a dance than a workout routine. It’s a rhythmic connection to the heartbeat of God. Flowing with His wisdom and plan, not our naïve presumptions based more on feelings than faith. Dance in faith; don’t work out in fear.
Feeling worthless doesn’t disqualify you and me from receiving the promises of God for our lives. In 1 Samuel 24:14, David said he was as worthless as a dead dog or a flea. That’s pretty worthless! And yet he went on to be a man after God’s heart and one of the Greatest Men of God of All Time! God loves to use people who feel worthless because they have the best chance of looking to Him alone for their value. For many years, my “Life” expression has been, “The more I know me, the less impressed I am!” Because that proclamation makes room for, “The more I know Jesus, the more impressed I am!” God meets us at our lowest moments because He knows exactly how we feel.
Have you ever insisted on doing something even though you knew it was wrong and would turn out badly in the long run? I know I have. From two aborted children while in college, to, at times succumbing to temptations that I knew were dead ends and would lead to horrible consequences. No one has hurt me more than me. In a similar way, in 1 Samuel chapter 8, the nation of Israel was told by the prophet Samuel that if they chose to have a king instead of following God alone, the king would require more of them than they would ever want to do. Sadly, the Israelites responded, “Even so, we want a king anyway.“ (1 Samuel 8:19) My prayer every day is, “God, keep me from doing what is easy, but wrong. Help me do what is hard and right for my good, and Your glory. ”
All of us who wholeheartedly follow Jesus have, at some point, proclaimed our commitment to do His will, whatever the cost. In Joshua 24:21, the Israelites promised never to forsake the Lord, as did Peter on the night he would betray Jesus. The irony is that both the Israelites and Peter reneged on their promise in a short time. Their failures prove this. There is no power in merely saying we will do or not do something. It’s all about the follow-through. There is, however, great power in believing that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us. We can partner with Him in prayer by developing an intimate, committed relationship with Jesus so that we may truly live a life of integrity and faithfulness, both now and forever.
Do you have loved ones who have walked away from following Jesus? Many of us do. It hurts and is bewildering. Yet, irrespective of their poor decisions, we should never stop praying for them and offering wisdom if they are open to receiving it. When I was an atheist for seven years, from 15 to 22, my mother continued to pray for me, even when I laughed aloud at her as she prayed over her food. She had the last laugh, and I received Jesus on Mother’s Day. Even after the Israelites rebelled in first Samuel 12, the prophet Samuel continued to pray for them and teach them. He said, “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way.” (1 Samuel 12:23, NKJV)
Do you feel like your prayers aren’t being answered? Not all prayers are created equal. Prayers based on fear are lifeless. None of us have a valid reason for not trusting God. Romans one, verse 20, says the magnificence of the visible creation eliminates any excuse for not believing in the perfection of the invisible God. The creation screams, “Hope in God!” What if our attachment to answered prayer was more connected to us trying to play God than allowing Him to have His way? Discouragement is self-inflicted. It comes when our prayers resemble selfish idolatry more than selfless faith. “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!” (Psalm 42:11)