My best friend’s first name is Holy. So, when I hear someone change His last name, often to something inappropriate or vulgar, it offends me. Think of your last name. How would you like someone to add one of the hurtful words you’ve heard people use to your first name? I doubt you’d want it to become your nickname. But you say it’s just an expression. Do you mean like a racial slur? Would you use it as the last name of a police officer as he was giving you a traffic ticket? I doubt it. You say, “It’s just unconscious!” Perhaps the first time, but if there’s no conviction that it’s improper, you’ll repeat it until it becomes habitual. A person’s first “F-bomb” is always memorable until it’s not. What’s your best friend’s last name?


We’ve all known people who had great promise and exceptional gifting, but in the end they were shooting stars. They never became who God created them to be. Even in the Bible, there were many notables who had great starts: King Solomon, King Saul, King Uzziah and even Judas. Initially Solomon was brilliantly wise, Saul was very humble, Uzziah was incredibly successful, and Judas had the best mentor who ever lived. But great wisdom, humility, success and mentoring doesn’t guarantee a fabulous finish. That’s why the Bible says, “A good reputation is better than precious perfume;  likewise, the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth.” (Ecclesiastes 7:1) The last words of a person are the most memorable. In sports it’s the final out, the last point and sticking the landing. Whatever you achieve in life, make sure you stick the landing.


Have you ever questioned the phrase, “A picture is worth a thousand words”? Probably not. Why? Because you’ve seen pictures that were beyond description. A thousand words would barely capture the magnificence of a majestic image. So, what would be the value of eternal wisdom? That wisdom must be worth a thousand lifetimes. Peter said to Jesus, “Only You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68). Those words weren’t just priceless, but unparalleled. Have you received these eternal words, these unprecedented words, the unequaled promises from a trustworthy God? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26) Believing these words today will indeed be worth a thousand lifetimes.


One of the most idolatrous thoughts any of us ever have is thinking we know what God is going to do next. It’s man playing God. After living a long life, I’ve come to believe that whatever we are hoping for won’t START as we expect, GO as we desire, or END as we wish. God saying, “My thoughts aren’t your thoughts…” isn’t overstated. (Isaiah 55:8) The moment we think we know what God will do; we stop depending on Him. We’re saying, “I’ll take it from here, Lord.” What a joke! It would be far better to trust God and leave all expectations behind, other than believing all things will work for my good if I love God more than anyone or anything and if I am more committed to His will than my own. (Romans 8:28)


We all understand that as we age, we gradually lose some physical strength, sharpness of mind and even a measure of visibility. The truth is each of us is preparing for obscurity. I’m happy to fade into obscurity; but I refuse to accept fading into oblivion, not even for a moment. That would be a betrayal of the one-of-a-kind, from the foundation of the world, “all that we could ask or think” calling on my life. The Bible says, “…we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10). From God’s perspective, from my first breath, every minute of my eternal life has consequences. I refuse to put myself out to pasture. Instead, I will wake up daily, training my soul to be excited about all God has in store. 


Would you believe it if I said that a distracted life is an unattractive life? It’s true. No one is attracted to someone lazy or irresponsible. No one’s hoping for a shiftless son or a directionless daughter. Diligence is applauded, and focusing is essential. David was focused at Ziklag and when everyone wanted to kill him, he worshipped. Yet, on the balcony of his home, his distractedness ended a life and a marriage. My best day is not the day I resist a nudge from God to get up and roll over and play dead. That’s the day I wonder what I missed. What inspiration from God would have taken my life to the next level? I know it’s true because I got up when I was tired and didn’t want to, and Heaven moved. It branded me. Jesus, help me to live fully awake!  

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